
Showing posts with the label average

Guardians of the Gryphon’s Claw by Todd Calgi Gallicano - ADVISABLE

Guardians of the Gryphon’s Claw by Todd Calgi Gallicano , 373 pages.  Delacorte (Random), 2017.  $17. Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: G (some violence, without being graphic) BUYING ADVISORY:  EL, MS - ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE Sam London has been dreaming about a gryphon – over and over.  When he pursues the dream to Death Valley, he finds not only a gryphon, but gets involved with a whole secret world of what he thought were mythical creatures.  With Dr. Vance Vantana, Sam sets off on adventure to save the Gryphon’s Claw – the object that stops most humans from seeing magical creatures – from the evil creatures who want to rule over humans.   Sam’s first adventure is a whole lot of fun.  And danger. Kids who like Brandon Mull or Chris Colfer will also enjoy this. Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

The Red Ribbon by Lucy Adlington - OPTIONAL

The Red Ribbon by Lucy Adlington , 264 pages.  Candlewick, 2018.  $18.  Language: PG (7 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (mentions of deaths and cruelty, nothing graphic) BUYING ADVISORY:  HS - OPTIONAL AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE One moment Ella was walking home from school, the next she has been rounded up by the Nazis because of her yellow star and transported to the concentration camp  Birkenau, or Birchwood, as the author calls it. Luckily she is a superb seamstress and is able to get a job in the Upper Tailoring Studio where they makes clothing for the female officers and the wives of the camp overseers.  But life under Nazi rule is cheap – one little slip and anyone can be out on their ear in a heartbeat.  The girls of the Studio try to form a family, but the only person Ella really trusts is Rose – a former member of an upper class, who is now also only trying to survive.   I rated this optional only because the audience for it will be small.  Excellent writing, an

How We Got To Now: Six Innovations That Made The Modern World by Steven Johnson - ESSENTIAL

How We Got To Now: Six Innovations That Made The Modern World by Steven Johnson , 152 pages. NON-FICTION. Viking (Penguin), 2018. $20 Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G. BUYING ADVISORY: EL, MS, HS - ESSENTIAL  AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE This book is a young reader adaptation from a New York Times bestseller and covers the discoveries and innovations surrounding glass, cold, sound, cleanliness, time, and light. Each chapter covers one of these topics and includes a comprehensive history with the logistical details embedded in the timeline. The chapters also contain a number of photographs and illustrations. There are a lot of attention grabbing anecdotes in each section.   My entire family loved this book. We jumped around the book, each taking a turn picking a topic, and learned a lot in the process. One of the anecdotes that we have retold to other people we read in the chapter on light and it tell the story of how whale oil was used to make cheaper candles. To ge

Mist, Metal, and Ash by Gwendolyn Clare - ADVISABLE

Mist, Metal, and Ash (Ink, Iron, and Glass #2) by Gwendolyn Clare , 336 pages.  Imprint (Macmillan), Feb 2019.  $19 Language: PG-13 (33 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG-13 (some blood and bodies) BUYING ADVISORY:  MS - ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE Elsa and the others were left behind and betrayed when Leo went off with his brother Aris and the edit book.  While Elsa’s heart hurts, she is determined to regain control of the editbook; if Aris learns how to use it, he and Garibaldi could destroy all the worlds. As she leaves on the hunt, she doesn’t realize that she is leaving the children in danger – something is wrong with Casa, too. Things get a bit more complicated in the second book of the series.  Not unexpected, of course.  Elsa spends her whole time trying to thwart Aris and Garibaldi and she unearths more complications.  I am wondering about the purpose of Casa going off the rails – hopefully that will weave in during the 3 rd book. Cindy, Middle School Libr

She Dared: Malala Yousafzai by Jenni L. Walsh - ADVISABLE

She Dared: Malala Yousafzai by Jenni L. Walsh, 128 pages.  Scholastic, 2019.  $7.   Content: Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.   B UYING ADVISORY: EL, MS – ADVISABLE   AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE    Malala lived in Pakistan with her parents and two brothers.  She dreamed of becoming a doctor and loved everything to do with school.  When the Taliban leaders start to infringe on the rights of the people in her community, Malala starts to speak out against the oppression.  She is targeted by the Taliban and shot while taking the bus home from school.  She received medical care in England and has used her experience to try and bring attention to the needs of girls around the world.   This is a great succinct biography about Malala’s life.  I especially enjoyed the ending that includes all the ways that she has reached out and helped since this experience.  Her story is inspiring and courageous and this version of the story is well done without being scary.   C. Peterson

Jane Austen: Her Heart Did Whisper by Manuela Santoni - ADVISABLE

Jane Austen: Her Heart Did Whisper by Manuela Santoni , 95 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL. Graphic Universe (Lerner), 2016.  Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G. BUYING ADVISORY: MS, HS - ADVISABLE  AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE This is the story of Jane Austen’s family dynamics, the discovery of her writing talents, and her romantic experiences. This graphic novel hinges on the axis of her relationship with Mr. Lefroy, who enters Jane’s life as an arrogant character. Jane falls in love with him, and he her. When he leaves town, they continue corresponding and get engaged, but when Jane visits him after their time apart she realizes she does not love him anymore. This relationship is suggested to inform much of her writing.  I want to love anything that even mentions Jane Austen, but this was only okay for me. I thought the lack of color, all the illustrations are black and white, was a little monotonous and boring given the high emotions of the story. It is interesting to learn

Deceiver’s Heart by Jennifer Nielsen - ADVISABLE

Deceiver’s Heart by Jennifer Nielsen , 384 pages.  Scholastic, Feb 2019.  $18 Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG-13 (fighting) BUYING ADVISORY:  MS - ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE Kestra accepted her role as the Infidante and tried to use the Olden Blade to kill Lord Endrick. When her plan fails, Endrick takes her memories to warp her into his puppet.  When she is again kidnapped by the Coracks, she has no idea who she was, nor who Simon is to her.  In order to restore her memories, she must dare to claim her magic.  But if she does, then she will lose Simon forever. Things get quite complicated in this second book.  I must admit I felt betrayed when Endrick took Kestra’s memories.  I know Kestra couldn’t just kill Endrick in the first chapter, but it felt like a trick.  I think I just have to accept that the magic and the danger takes a back seat to the romance - very convoluted romance. Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

The Story of My Face by Leanne Baugh - OPTIONAL

The Story of My Face by Leanne Baugh , 228 pages. Second Story Press, 2018. $13.95 Language: R (115 swears, 17 “f”); Mature Content: R; Violence: PG13 BUYING ADVISORY: HS – OPTIONAL AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE Abby had an accident last year that has left her scarred—inside and out. As she tries to go back to school for her senior year and figure out how to put back the pieces of her life, insurmountable obstacles seem to come around every corner. How can Abby move forward when she doesn’t even know which path is safe to walk? Aside from the crudeness that came up frequently through this book, I enjoyed reading the journey Abby takes and helps readers to take with her. Her story is about the struggle of knowing who you are amid the pressures of who you should be and who you want to be. Abby shows those readers who may also struggle with self-esteem and self-confidence—which is most of us—that there is help and support from different avenues waiting to cheer you on if you will look for the

Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful by Arwen Elys Dayton - OPTIONAL

Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful by Arwen Elys Dayton , 368 pages. Delacorte Press (Random House Children’s Books), 2018. $18.99 Language: R (42 swears, 9 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13 BUYING ADVISORY: HS – OPTIONAL AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE Dayton put together a book made up of six stories of our possible future. With scientific advances and discoveries, some of Dayton’s ideas seem not to be very far off. However, extremist behavior may become our downfall. Some of the stories have a lot of sexual content, and some of the stories are really creepy, but all of them are intriguing. While most of these sci-fi stories are outlandish, I like the questions that Dayton poses through them—how far will we go to improve the human race? And what defines “human”? We get to choose what we do with our bodies and our lives. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen LGBTQ+

In the Key of Nira Ghani by Natahsa Deen - ADVISABLE

In the Key of Nira Ghani by Natahsa Deen , 304 pages.  Running Press Teens, April 2019.  $18. Language: PG-13 (22 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G BUYING ADVISORY:  MS, HS - ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE Nira is barely making it through high school, with only Emily as her friend and Georgia, her pocket trumpet, as solace.  But things are changing – Noah, the local BMOC, and McKenzie, Nira’s chief tormentor, are horning in on the duo for some reason.  Even Farrah, her rich, stuck-up cousin, seems to be hanging around more. Between rocky friendships and the weight of her family’s expectations, Nira turns more to her music, but there is a chance for disaster. I like Nira quite a lot. Nira’s story is similar to many other previous stories about kids whose parents don’t want to leave any room for them to grow up and away and friendships that can – sometimes in good ways and sometimes away from each other. Who I don’t like is the jazz band teacher at her school – he is cal

The Three Rules of Everyday Magic by Amanda Rawson Hill - OPTIONAL

The Three Rules of Everyday Magic by Amanda Rawson Hill , 190 pages. Boyds Mills Press (Highlights), 2018. $17.95 Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G BUYING ADVISORY: EL, MS – OPTIONAL AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE For Kate, nothing has been right since Christmas—before her father left, before her Grammy stopped remembering things, and before friendships became complicated. With everything falling apart, Kate feels helpless. But then Grammy starts teaching her about everyday magic. Maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay. I love how Hill is able to capture the difficulty of life and the challenge of trying to figure out how to deal with everything that happens. Every challenge we face adds up, and sometimes it takes a while to know how to move forward. As Kate learns and teaches us, though, it is okay to hope and it is okay to change. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

The Perfect Secret by Rob Buyea - ADVISABLE

The Perfect Secret by Rob Buyea , 364 pages. Delacourt Press, 2018. $16.99.  Language: PG (1 swear, 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.  BUYING ADVISORY: MS - ADVISABLE  AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE  The kids from The Perfect Score are back for their 7th grade year. This year is all about secrets; everyone has secrets: Gavin is finally playing football, but the coach has something against him and won’t let him play - Gavin tells everyone football is great, but Scott knows otherwise - Scott’s football experience is also not as expected, he is terribly bullied by other team members. Randi has been invited to an elite gymnastics camp where she meets an unexpected relative. Natalie wants to get Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Magenta back together - but she’s been told their problems are a secret so this is harder than she anticipated. And Trevor . . . Brian has moved out, but Trevor is afraid Brian is headed for big trouble.  Buyea has written another engaging story, well told through th

Eleanor Roosevelt: Fighter for Justice by Ilene Cooper - ADVISABLE

Eleanor Roosevelt: Fighter for Justice by Ilene Cooper , 184 pages. NON-FICTION. Abrams, 2018. $18. Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G. BUYING ADVISORY: MS - ADVISABLE  AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE This book covers the span of Eleanor Roosevelt’s life, with a focus in the second half of the book on her activities toward equality. As a youth, Eleanor experienced the deaths of many close to her, including both her parents and a sibling, as well as a transient lifestyle, moving from house to house. In her later years she battled against the prejudice of her youth by educating herself about the state of disadvantaged populations - women, children, immigrates, and people of color.  I appreciated the balance in this book, in that the author was honest about the racist things Eleanor had done, but explained how she moved past old beliefs and educated herself on compassion and representation. The book does go in to limited details on Eleanor’s husband’s affair, which may be a

Cook’s Cook by Gavin Bishop - ADVISABLE

Cook’s Cook: The Cook who Cooked for Captain Cook by Gavin Bishop .  PICTURE BOOK.  Gecko Press, 2018.  $18. 9781776572045 BUYING ADVISORY: EL, MS - ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE In 1768 James Cook one ship and 94 men to search for a giant continent south of New Zealand.  When they returned home in 1771, 56 men were still alive. Cook’s cook, John Thompson, had to be thrifty, ingenious, and pragmatic to cook for so many men for such a long period of time. Unfortunately Thompson didn’t not live to see England again. A great way to show students how long travel used to take place and what life might be like on a sailing vessel.  Be warned -- they do talk a couple of times about eating dog and also kangaroo.  Unfortunately there is no back matter to help you with further research, nor to know how perfectly true the narrative is. A bad oversight indeed. Cindy, Middle School Librarian

Rebel With a Cupcake by Anna Mainwaring - OPTIONAL

Rebel With a Cupcake by Anna Mainwaring , 208 pages. KCP Loft (Kids Can Press), 2018. $11. 9781525300332. Language: PG-13(24 swears, 0 'f'); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: G BUYING ADVISORY: MS, HS - OPTIONAL AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE Jesobel Jones loves food--cooking it and eating it and how it makes people happy. Her love of food aligns with her chubby body shape and she's never before had a problem with it--until a cute boy at school seems to notice her, and a perfect girl bully gets in her face, and she actually considers what it might be like to look more like her "perfect" sister, Cat. Thus begins a 3-week journey of dieting, exercise, crazy drama, and an end result she doesn't expect. Teenage novels focused on romance, friendship, and self-worth are fairly cliche and predictable. Mainwaring's book adds some fresh air to the genre while still not branching too far out. I enjoyed the author's voice through Jesobel Jones, and appreciated the stro

Charlotte’s Bones by Erin Rounds - ADVISABLE

Charlotte’s Bones: The Beluga Whale in a Farmer’s Field by Erin Rounds , illustrated by Alison Carver . NONFICTION PICTURE BOOK.  Tilbury House, 2018.  $18.  9780884484851 BUYING ADVISORY: EL, MS - ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE As the ice age ended, the now fields of Vermont were covered by a massive inland ocean.  When one Beluga whale got caught in the grassy marshes, she was left behind as her pod swam away.  Left to discovered in a farmer’s field in 1849. What a great introduction to the fossil record, archaeology, the Ice Age, or many other topics.  I will be sharing this with my middle school science teachers to see who needs it for their classroom use for sure. Cindy, Middle School Librarian

Extreme Longevity by Karen Latchana Kenney - ADVISABLE

Extreme Longevity: Discovering Earth’s Oldest Organisms by Karen Latchana Kenney , 91 pages. Twenty-First Century Books (Lerner Publishing Group), 2019. $30 Content: G  BUYING ADVISORY: MS, HS – ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE Kenney introduces readers to several species of animals and plants according to how long their lives are. Some of these species live as long as humans, and some will live 5 or 100 times longer than humans do. These amazing organisms open a whole new world, and we have a lot that we can learn. I really enjoyed reading this book because it made learning fun through story telling. Kenney mixes facts with stories in such a way as to keep the interest of her readers, and she also defines words that younger readers might not be as familiar with. The best part is that Kenney uses the researchers and explorers in the book to inspire readers to look at the world with new eyes, to discover and be curious. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

Jolly Foul Play by Robin Stevens - ADVISABLE

Jolly Foul Play by Robin Stevens , 347 pages. Simon and Schuster Inc., 2016. $18. Language: G; Mature Content: PG (some LGBT content); Violence: PG BUYING ADVISORY: MS - ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE It’s a new school year and Daisy and Hazel are back with three successful cases solved ready for new adventures and to see old friends.  Unfortunately, the new year isn’t starting out all that great. The head girl, Elizabeth, is is not a nice person, and she has her followers, the Five, keeping the other girls in line, which means a lot of yelling, intimidating, and terrorizing.  On the night of the annual bonfire, there is music, food, and games plus a much needed break after the stress of the first few weeks of school. The evening comes to a halt when Elizabeth is found dead. Once again Daisy and Hazel have a mystery to solve, and it appears that someone at the school is responsible, probably one of the Five.  With the help of their dorm mates, the Wells and Wong Detective Society

Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - OPTIONAL

Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, 400 pages.  Freeform Books (Disney), 2018.  $18.   Content: Language: PG-13 (28 swears); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG.   BUYING ADVISORY: MS, HS – OPTIONAL   AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE    Sawyer Taft is used to taking care of herself because her mother has always been a bit distracted and Sawyer thought she had no other family who was interested in her life.  But at eighteen, Sawyer’s grandmother, Lillian, shows up in Sawyer’s life and offers her half a million dollars to come live at Lillian’s and participate in the debutante season.  Sawyer quickly gets thrust into a lifestyle that she had never dreamed existed with family, new friends and confusing enemies that have secrets Sawyer couldn’t even imagine.   This is one of those books that the story and the setting were intriguing, but the characters weren’t deep or endearing.  I liked trying to figure out the mystery and the twists and turns were entertaining.  My issue with the book wa

Zombie Cross-Stitch by Kristy Kizzee and Erika Kern - ADVISABLE

Zombie Cross-Stitch by Kristy Kizzee and Erika Kern , 63 pages.  Thunder Bay Press, 2018.  $20. 9781684124121 BUYING ADVISORY:  GIFT - ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE All the materials you need for 12 zombie-related projects (Except I don’t think there is enough canvas)! I would have rated this an ESSENTIAL gift, but the booklet is teeny – In order to really use it, you will have to blow the cross-stitch pages up larger.  I love the touch of not only including the patterns, but also a “one step further” for each craft, with a suggestion of where to use the completed piece (baby bid, pillow, coffee cozy, etc.) Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS