The Bands of Bravery by Shuky, Waltch, and Novy - OPTIONAL

The Bands of Bravery (Knights Club) by Shuky, Waltch, and Novy . INTERACTIVE GRAPHIC NOVEL. Quirk Books, 2018. $10. 9781683690559 Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG. BUYING ADVISORY: EL, MS - OPTIONAL. AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE Three young farmers are determined to leave their laborious lifestyle for the life of a knight. To do so they must go through knight training and each brother has different strengths to bring to the journey - agility, strength, or intelligence. The reader picks which boy to follow through his journey and jumps to different frames based on the decisions the reader makes. Along the way the reader keeps track of the things they collect and the time it takes. There is a lot of flipping back and forth throughout this book. The tracker is at the front of the book and as you pick your journey in this book, you have to hunt for the correct numbered panel. I think this could be a turn off for a young reader, but I like that you ...