Coco Chanel by Susan Goldman Rubin - ESSENTIAL

Coco Chanel : Pearls, Perfume and the Little Black Dress by Susan Goldman Rubin , 133 pages. NON FICTION Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2018 $18.99. Content: G. BUYING ADVISORY: MS - ESSENTIAL, HS - ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: HIGH Susan Goldman Rubin gives us a well researched biography of the famous designer. Beginning with her childhood, mostly spent in poverty, living with relatives or in an orphanage, through her schooling and eventual rise to fame as the designer for the rich and famous in Paris. Rubin does a great job of separating fact from fiction; telling both Chanel's story and the researched history. Well illustrated with captioned historical photographs, includes a list of museums with artifacts, fashion firsts introduced by Chanel and an extensive bibliography. Lisa Librarian