Zombie Cross-Stitch by Kristy Kizzee and Erika Kern - ADVISABLE

Zombie Cross-Stitch by Kristy Kizzee and Erika Kern , 63 pages. Thunder Bay Press, 2018. $20. 9781684124121 BUYING ADVISORY: GIFT - ADVISABLE AUDIENCE APPEAL: AVERAGE All the materials you need for 12 zombie-related projects (Except I don’t think there is enough canvas)! I would have rated this an ESSENTIAL gift, but the booklet is teeny – In order to really use it, you will have to blow the cross-stitch pages up larger. I love the touch of not only including the patterns, but also a “one step further” for each craft, with a suggestion of where to use the completed piece (baby bid, pillow, coffee cozy, etc.) Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS