
Showing posts with the label stab in the dark

People Like Us by Dana Mele - OPTIONAL

People Like Us by Dana Mele, 375 pages. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2018.  $18.   Content: Language: R (101 swears; 12 “f”); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13.   BUYING ADVISORY: HS – OPTIONAL   AUDIENCE APPEAL: LOW    One night Kay and her friends go to the pond by their school to skinny dip, but when they get to the pond, they see a dead schoolmate floating in the water.  As the investigation starts to unfold, Kay feels like she is a suspect for the murder.  And life gets even more complicated for Kay when she receives an e-mail from the dead girl.  The e-mail forces Kay to play a cruel game in which Kay has to reveal the secrets of all of her friends, otherwise Kay’s biggest secret will be reveled, a secret that would make her look guilty in the murder of the classmate.   This book sounds so good, but it is poorly executed.  Kay and her friends are bullies, making it impossible to like any of them or care what h...

Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte - ESSENTIAL

Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte , 432 pages.  Putnam (Penguin), Feb 2019. $18. Language: PG-13 (21 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG (implied sex, some LGBT content); Violence: PG -13 (assassinations, some graphic) BUYING ADVISORY:  HS - ESSENTIAL AUDIENCE APPEAL: HIGH The land of Quadara has been ruled by four queens for generations.  Keralie, 17, is just a trickster and a thief living on the fringes near the capitol.  When her boss, Mackiel goads her into stealing from a messenger, she doesn’t realize she is plunging herself into treachery that may see all four queens dead.  High fantasy lovers will have a great time riding this wave of tension and emotion. Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS