Living Through The Revolutionary War by Clara MacCarald - OPTIONAL

The history of the American Revolution is lightly covered in this elementary-level informational text. The author covers the bare basics of what led to the Revolution through the post-war establishment of government. Each page has got some text along with a lot of pictures, side bars and more. There is a glossary and a reading guide included.
I realize this book is written for an elementary audience--I'd guess its aiming for 3rd/4th grade?--but sometimes the information included versus the information excluded surprised me. The pictures will appeal to kids, but it makes for a rather busy page that is sometimes hard to read in a straightforward and understandable way. I enjoy all the pictures (many of them primary sources), but the book could be stronger without such a busy feel and the inclusion of more primary source material in the text and information. To really get a good amount out of this book I think students will need scaffolding and direction from an adult.
Reviewer: TC
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