Fawkes by Nadine Brandes - ESSENTIAL

Fawkes by Nadine Brandes, 448 pages.  Thomas Nelson, 2018.  $17.

Language: G (1 swear, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: g; Violence: PG (some deaths, battles)



Thomas Fawkes may have the Stone Plague, but he is sure that when he gets his Color Mask he will bond with Grey and be able to conquer his disease.  His father, the legendary protector Guy Fawkes, refuses to send his mask, however, and Thomas must trudge to London to find his parent, whom he has never met, and force the gift from him.  In London Thomas finds  a whole different world – one of rebellion and intrigue.  Keepers like Thomas and his father, believe that a person should only bond with only one color.  Igniters, on the other hand, believe that every color should be available to every person with talent.  And the King is an Igniter who is allowing Keepers to be hunted down and killed.  Thomas’s own father is involved in a plot against the king.  More than loyalty is tugging at Thomas – there is also a girl. 

Brandes has layered on the danger and brought a new life to a historic figure.  She skillfully builds her world and teaches us the rules without wallowing or lecturing.  For such a long book, it flows well and kept my interest.  The romance is present and even important, but never takes over the limelight from all of the other threads. It looks like her next book is an alternate look at Anastasia Romanov – can’t wait!

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS


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